The Program
Thank you for your interest in the FDIC Summer Research Fellows Program. The program targets PhD students who have completed their qualifying examinations and have well-developed research toward finishing their PhD.
Fellows are encouraged to continue their dissertation work and build research relationships with FDIC colleagues. They participate in seminars and informal lunchtime presentations of research, engage with FDIC staff, and present their own research at the end of the summer. The Fellows benefit from institutional knowledge of FDIC staff, CFR expertise on modeling, and presentation opportunities. The FDIC benefits from Fellows' insights and from developing relationships with emerging scholars, expanding the reach of the CFR research network, and promoting career opportunities at the FDIC.
Why Join the FDIC?
As a recent Fellow stated:
“The Center for Financial Research at the FDIC has one of the most welcoming and collaborative environments I have ever experienced; my summer was like being in a department full of helpful and eager advisors who were able to offer not only feedback on my research, but also provide advice on framing, presentation, and career paths… and has led to potential future collaborations.”
Dissertation stage students should consider joining the FDIC as a Fellow to benefit from the FDIC staff's vast institutional knowledge of data and policies and expertise on modeling, take advantage of presentation opportunities, gain exposure to FDIC policy work, and learn from experts in banking policy, banking data, and economic methods.
The Summer Research Fellows Program runs for eight to 12 weeks during the summer. Depending on need and availability, Fellows may remain in a traditional intern role following completion of the summer program. The Summer Research Fellows Program recruits in part through the American Economic Association Summer Economics Fellows Program, designed to advance the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in the economics profession.
A posting for the Summer Research Fellows is now available on USAJOBS.
- This posting is open to the public. The deadline is February 13, 2024.
- USAJOBS Announcement Number 772688700
If you have any questions or interest, please contact our recruiting coordinator Michelle Rose at (202) 898-7204.
Informational Session
February 8, 2024: Online via MS Teams
Time: 3PM ET
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