Access statutes and regulations, guidance, and forms for preparing certain applications.
- Application Search Tool - Search on actions for selected application types that the FDIC has received since 2013.
- Bank Application Resources - Resources that govern certain applications to the FDIC, including appropriate references to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, FDIC Rules and Regulations, policy statements, guidance, and forms.
- Applications for Deposit Insurance - Information and resources important to the deposit insurance application process, including a practical and plain language guide to help organizers navigate the application process and successfully form a de novo institution. Also accessible are applicable laws and regulations, guidance, application forms, and other important resources.
- General Application Processing Timeframes for Regional Offices - PDF - Timeframe guidelines for processing applications, notices, requests, and other filings submitted on behalf of proposed and existing institutions and other parties.
- Bank Supervision: Applications, Notices, & Reporting Forms - Links to applications, notices, and reporting forms.
- Delegations of Authority: Applications & Filings - Delegations of authority related to applications and filings.
- Applications Mailbox ( - A designated mailbox by which bankers, applicants, and other interested parties may pose questions regarding a specific application or the application process. Interested parties should continue to submit comments regarding pending applications subject to the Community Reinvestment Act or public comment through the FDIC’s website (
- Pending Applications Subject to the CRA - A searchable database of applications and filings subject to the Community Reinvestment Act and public comment.
- Decisions on Deposit Insurance Applications - Orders and other agency decisions issued by the FDIC’s Board of Directors or under delegated authority for certain filings, including deposit insurance, mergers, activities, mutual-to-stock conversions, and certain other filings.
- Merger Applications Order and Basis for Approval - Order and Basis for Approval documents presented herein are being published pursuant to the FDIC Statement of Policy on Bank Merger Transactions, which became effective for all merger applications received after October 28, 2024.
- Merger Decisions: Annual Report to Congress - Yearly list of approved merger applications.
PDF Help - Information on downloading and using the PDF reader.