The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), U.S. Department of the Treasury, and Economic Development Bank for Puerto Rico will cohost a webinar about the Puerto Rico State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI). Presenters will provide an overview of Puerto Rico's SSBCI programs and the funding deployment strategy, and lessons learned from using the SSBCI program to improve access to capital in underserved communities. Discussions will focus on how local CDFIs and other community-based organizations identify and provide services to clients, including loans, and how attendees can make referrals and partner to serve Puerto Rico's small businesses.
- Ronald Kelly, Outreach Lead, U.S. Department of the Treasury, SSBIC
- Samantha Asker, Outreach Manager, U.S. Department of the Treasury, SSBIC
- Samuel J. Carlo, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Economic Development Bank for Puerto Rico
- Vivian M. Dolagaray, Executive Vice President of Commercial Strategy and Financing, Economic Development Bank for Puerto Rico
- Alejandro Camporreale, Member and Senior Managing Director, Ad Astra Solutions
- Marcos Hedges, Vice President, Lending and Credit Administration, FirstBank
- David Ramos, Senior Community Affairs Specialist, FDIC
- Alexis Luna, Community Affairs Specialist, FDIC
Who should attend:
Banks, Credit Unions, Minority Depository Institutions, and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) interested in supporting access to capital for small businesses in Puerto Rico.
Registration Information:
To register online, click REGISTER and fill out the needed information. You will receive a confirmation email once completed.
Contact Information:
If you have any questions about the event, please email Alexis Luna at