In recognition of National Financial Capability Month, the Federal Deposit Corporation (FDIC) and the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (FRB-SF) are hosting the annual Bank On Forum. The goal of the event is to increase financial capability and raise awareness of financial education resources to reduce the number of unbanked populations in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. The event will promote Inland Empire Saves and participation in the Wealth Building and Preservation Pillar workgroup, as well as Inland SoCal Bank On Coalition. Presenters will offer collaboration opportunities for the audience to resolve challenges in accessing financial services and providing financial education and resources.
- Monica Robles, Founder & President, Asociacion de Emprendedores
- Melanie Steele, Program Manager, Inland SoCal Housing Collective
- Melinda Opperman, Chief External Affairs Officer,
- Sergio Caranza, Executive Director, Pueblo Unidos CDC
- Heather Zappia, Program Coordinator, Making Hope Happen Foundation
- Monica Santana, Senior Community Program Specialist, Community Action Partnership of Riverside County
- Luke W. Reynolds, Regional Manager, FDIC
- Cathy Choe, Community Affairs Specialist, FDIC
Who should attend:
Financial institutions, nonprofits, community-based organizations, and other local agencies interested in promoting financial capability and financial education.
Registration Information:
To register online, click Register and fill out the needed information. You will receive a confirmation email once completed.
Contact Information:
If you have any questions about the event, please email Cathy Choe at