The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will host a webinar to support equitable homeownership opportunities in low-and moderate-income and underserved communities. The event will increase awareness and access to recent homeownership funding and resources. The focus will be to promote collaboration between banks and affordable housing community organizations; highlight affordable housing programs; and provide resources that banks and community organizations can use to support underserved and rural communities. Presenters will share information on housing programs and resources and provide assistance to access housing resources. Attendees will also learn about collaborative opportunities to partner with South Dakota organizations committed to housing opportunities that support economic inclusion.
- Dominique Jackson, Region VIII Regional Administrator, HUD
- Carla Manzanares, Housing Program Officer, HUD
- Nicole Hahn, State Coordinator, South Dakota Housing Development Authority
- Melody Dawe, Down Payment Products Manager, Federal Home Loan Bank
- Tawney Brunsch, Executive Director, Lakota Funds
- Roger Jacobs, South Dakota Field Office Director, HUD
- Carla Tillmon, Community Affairs Specialist, FDIC
Who should attend:
Financial institutions, Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), government, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders interested in opportunities to support affordable housing in South Dakota.
Registration Information:
Event has past, registration is now closed.
Contact Information:
If you have any questions about the event, please email Carla Tillmon at