Management Strategic Management | 1. Describe how management integrates technology strategic planning into the overall Corporate Business Plan. | Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: |
Technology Changes | 2. Describe new technology implemented since the last exam or in the past two years, whichever is the shortest time period. Describe planned or anticipated technology changes in the next year. | Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: |
Risk Assessments | 3. Explain management’s process for identifying, risk ranking, and mitigating IT risks within the organization. - Who is responsible for this process?
- What is the mechanism for reporting these risks to the Board?
- What is management’s process for determining the confidentiality of electronic and paper-based information?
- How is the information protected?
| Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: |
Board Reporting | 4. Detail what reports and other communications are provided to the Board for its evaluation of IT risks within the organization. - What is the frequency of this communication?
| Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: |
Network Diagram | 5. Provide the bank’s network topology/schematic diagram. | Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: |
Vendor Management | 6. Describe management’s vendor management process and ongoing due diligence program. - Provide a list of the bank’s key IT vendors and consultants.
- Are all of these vendors covered by a current contract?
- How has management evaluated the vendors’ procedures for conducting employee background checks?
| Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: |
Information Security Information Security Program | 7. Has the Board or its designated committee approved a written Information Security Program? Do the polices addressing the Information Security Program cover the following: - Roles and responsibilities (central security coordination, segregation of duties, incident response, skill continuity)?
- Personnel security (background checks, acceptable use training email/Internet)?
- Audit (scope, internal/external auditor qualifications, system log reviews, audit trails)?
- Vendor management?
- Access controls (mainframe/network logical controls, password parameters, authentication, etc.)?
- Configuration management (security patches, software upgrades, parameter changes)?
- Contingency planning (business continuity, backups, disaster recovery)?
- Virus protection?
- Telecommunications (firewalls, modems, intrusion detection, encryption)?
- Restricted access (terminal/data center access)?
- Safety (fire prevention/detection, housekeeping)?
- Inventory management (theft detection, media disposal, hardware, software, source documents, output)?
Who is responsible for maintaining the Information Security Program? | Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: |
Roles and Responsibilities | 8. Who are the information security officer and the system administrator? Provide detail on their experience, training and certifications, and other duties within the organization. | Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: |
Access Controls | 9. Describe the process for determining and reviewing user access levels? | Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: | 10. Provide details on the following password control features utilized by the bank’s applications and operating systems: - Password length.
- Change interval.
- Password composition rule.
- Password history.
- Lockout rule.
| Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: |
Disaster Recovery | 11. Describe the bank’s disaster recovery testing process. Include the scope, results, and date of the bank’s most recent disaster recovery test. | Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: | 12. Describe the bank’s backup procedures. - What is backed up?
- What is the rotation schedule?
- Where are backup media stored?
- How soon after backup media are created are the media taken off-site?
| Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: |
Physical Security | 13. How are critical technology resources physically secured (mainframe, servers, telecommunications equipment, wiring closet)? | Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response:
Audit Audit Scope | 14. How does management establish the scope and frequency of IT audits? | Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response:
Audit Methods | 15. What validation methods (internal and/or external audits, security assessment, penetration study) does management use to determine compliance with written and approved corporate policies? - Provide date, scope and frequency of the validation methods described above.
- Provide detail on management’s process for addressing audit findings/corrective actions.
- Is this process documented?
| Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response:
Audit Trails | 16. Which of the following activity logs/exception reports are reviewed and who performs the review? - New loans.
- File maintenance.
- Dormant.
- Parameter changes.
- Kiting.
- Employee accounts.
- Audit logs.
- Backup logs.
- System reports.
- Firewall logs.
- Intrusion Detection System (IDS) logs.
| Examiner Evaluation of the Bank’s Response: |