Deposit Insurance Assessments
(Period DP-1) In accordance with the new, automated system of quarterly assessment collections approved by the FDIC's Board of Directors on December 20, 1994 (see FIL-4-95: Financial Institution Letters: dated January 5, 1995), the FDIC on May 30, 1995, mailed your institution's deposit insurance quarterly assessment invoice. The invoice, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), represents the first of two quarterly installment payments for the semiannual period beginning on July 1, 1995. This invoice also shows your institution's risk classification for the semiannual assessment period of July 1, 1995, through December 31, 1995. (Please note that separate mailings announcing the risk classification assignment for a given semiannual period have been eliminated.) Institutions need to take the following actions to complete the assessment payment process: (1) Verify the information on the invoice as described below, and (2) Ensure that the amount required to satisfy the invoice is available for direct debit on June 30, 1995, also described below.
Payment Requirement In accordance with Section 327.3 of the FDIC Rules and Regulations, payment will be accepted via ACH Direct Debit only. R equest for Duplicate Invoice If you did not receive your invoice and you wish to receive a duplicate, please fax your request to the Assessment Operations Section (AOS) at any of the following fax numbers: (703) 516-5327 (703) 516-5446 (703) 516-5039 Your request should contain the following information: Institution Name, 5 digit FDIC Certificate Number, Contact Name and Title, Telephone Number, and Fax Number. If you prefer to send an E-Mail request for a duplicate invoice via the Internet, please send your request to Melinda Salisbury of the AOS. When addressing your request, enter your institution's E-Mail Gateway address followed by: [] Please note, there should be no space between the last letter of your Gateway address and the first square bracket. Risk Classification If you have questions or concerns regarding your Risk Classification as reflected on the invoice, contact the FDIC's Risk-Related Premium Unit at the number given below. Mergers and Acquisitions If your institution acquired or merged with another institution during the period April 1 through June 30, 1995, please contact the AOS at the number given below to obtain a copy of the FDIC Merger/Acquisition Worksheet for Period DP-1. Additional Information & Assistance For additional assistance, please call the FDIC's Deposit Insurance Assessment Information Line toll-free (800-759-6596) or 202-898-7090 (in the Washington, D.C. area) between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time.
Distribution: Insured Banks and Savings Associations