Strategies for Success through Collaboration
Sponsored by the FDIC, Federal Reserve Board, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

Conference Overview
Every two years, the Federal Banking Regulatory Agencies (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), host this important interagency conference for FDIC-insured minority depository institutions in order to help preserve and promote their mission. The 2013 event was held June 10-12 at the FDIC’s L. William Seidman Center in Arlington, Virginia. FDIC Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg, Federal Reserve Board Governor Sarah Bloom Raskin, and Comptroller of the Currency, Thomas J. Curry, welcomed other senior Federal officials and Minority and Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) bank executives from around the country, to explore “Strategies for Success through Collaboration.”
The conference encouraged interactive discussion among those who believe minority depository institutions and CDFI banks are uniquely positioned to create positive change in their communities. The conference also encouraged a diverse array of participants to express their views. A complete record of the conference, including detailed information on programs available to assist MDI and CDFI banks, is provided below.

Monday, June 10
Time | Event |
5:00 to 7:00 | Registration and Networking Reception An informal networking opportunity for all conference attendees (MDI/CDFI Bank CEOs and staff, Agency staff, Speakers, etc.) |
Tuesday, June 11
Time | Event |
7:30 | Continental Breakfast |
8:45 | Opening Keynote Addresses Martin J. Gruenberg, Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Sarah Bloom Raskin, Governor, Federal Reserve Board Thomas J. Curry, Comptroller of the Currency |
10:15 | Partnering with Washington
11:30 | “Brown Bag Briefings” / Technical Assistance Select a “topic table” and have an informal box lunch and conversation with an agency subject matter expert. Table hop, ask a question, interact or arrange for individual technical assistance for your bank at a later date. Topic tables include: Interest rate risk, Third party risk, Corporate Governance, CRA, IT, BSA, Fair Lending, Troubled Debt Restructuring/ALLL, Flood Insurance, Appraisals, FASB loan-loss proposal, FDIC Loss Share Agreements. If you miss any, brown bag briefings are repeated on Wednesday. |
1:00 | MDIs by the Numbers An overview of research conducted by the FDIC on Minority Depository Institutions. Richard A. Brown, Chief Economist, FDIC |
Industry Overview Panel
| |
2:30 | Break |
2:45 | The CEO Panel: Challenges and Opportunities
4:00 | Break |
4:15 | The Investor Perspective
Wednesday June 12
Time | Event |
7:30 | Continental Breakfast |
9:00 - 12:00 | Breakout Roundtable Sessions
9:00 | Roundtable 1: Collaboration with other Financial Institutions
Roundtable 2: Collaboration and the Supervisory Process
| |
Roundtable 3: Collaboration with the CDFI Fund, U.S. Treasury
| |
10:30 | Break |
10:45 | Roundtable 4: Collaboration on Small Business Growth, International Trade and Small Business Lending
Roundtable 5: Collaborating to ”Tell Our Story”
| |
Roundtable 6: Collaboration with the FDIC on Resolutions and Asset Sales
| |
12:00 | Luncheon |
“Brown Bag Briefings”/Technical Assistance Redux In case you miss one or two on Tuesday, select a “topic table” and have an informal box lunch with an agency subject matter expert. Table hop, ask questions, interact, or arrange for individual technical assistance for your bank at a later date. Topic tables include, for example: Interest rate risk, Third party risk, Corporate Governance, CRA, IT, BSA, Fair Lending, Troubled Debt Restructuring/ALLL, Flood Insurance, Appraisals, FASB loan-loss proposal, FDIC Loss Share Agreements. | |
1:00 | Technical Assistance Track: Regulatory highlights, updates, and tools Speed session presentations of “highlights and updates” in key regulatory areas. Learn what is new or critical to improving your bank operations and examination experience. And, discover agency Technical Assistance tools you can use to keep directors, managers and staff informed on these topics. Back to back, 30-minute presentations and Q&A on each topic. |
Speed session presentations
Time | Auditorium Quad A/B | Auditorium Quad C/D |
1:00 | Troubled Debt Restructuring/ALLL | Interest Rate Risk |
1:30 | FASB Loan Loss Proposal | Corporate Governance |
2:00 | Appraisals | Third Party Risk |
2:30 | Community Reinvestment Act | Information Technology |
3:00 | Fair Lending | Bank Secrecy Act |
3:30 | FDIC Loss Share Agreements | Flood Insurance |
Confirmed Speakers
- Martin J. Gruenberg, Chairman, FDIC
- Sarah Bloom Raskin, Governor, Federal Reserve Board
- Thomas J. Curry, Comptroller of the Currency
- Brian Argrett, President & CEO, City First National Bank, Washington, DC
- Amy Brusiloff, Senior Vice President, Bank of America, New York, NY
- Marilyn Booker, Managing Director, Urban Markets Group, Morgan Stanley, New York, NY
- Guillermo Diaz-Rousselot, President, COO & Acting CEO, Continental National Bank of Miami, Miami, FL
- Ross Hill, CEO, Bank 2, Oklahoma City, OK
- Min Kim, President and CEO, Open Bank, Los Angeles
- Alden McDonald, President and Chairman, Liberty Bank, New Orleans
- B. Doyle Mitchell, President & CEO, Industrial Bank, Washington DC and Chairman, National Bankers Association
- Dominik Mjartan, Senior Vice President, Southern Bancorp, AR
- Preston D. Pinkett III, President, City National Bank, Newark, NJ
- Blondel Pinnock, Senior Vice President, Community Development Corporation, Carver Federal Savings Bank, New York, NY
- Rebeca Romero Rainey, Chair, ICBA Minority Bank Council and Board Chair & CEO, Centinel Bank of Taos, NM
- Mark Ricca, President and CEO, First American International Bank, New York, NY
- Kim D. Saunders, President and CEO, Mechanics & Farmers Bank, Durham, NC
- Alan Thian, President, Royal Business Bank, Los Angeles
- Darrin Williams, CEO, Southern Bancorp, Inc., Arkadelphia, AR
- Norman Williams, President & CEO, Illinois Federal Savings, Chicago, IL
- Neill S. Wright, President & CEO, First Tuskegee Bank, Tuskegee, Alabama
Federal Partners
- Donna J. Gambrell, Director, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, US Treasury
- Don Graves, Executive Director, President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, and Deputy Assistant Secretary, Small Business, Community Development and Housing, US Treasury
- Greg Bischak, Manager, Financial Strategies & Research, CDFI Fund, US Treasury
- Mark Brodziski, Director, Special Programs, US Department of Agriculture
- Carol Galante, Federal Housing Administration Commissioner and Assistant Secretary for Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Grady Hedgespeth, Director, Office of Economic Opportunity, US Small Business Administration
- Jeanne Hulit, Associate Administrator, Office of Capital Access, US Small Business Administration
- Robert Ibanez, Program Manager, New Markets Tax Credit Program, CDFI Fund, US Treasury
- Ruth Jaure, Manager, CDFI & NACA Program, CDFI Fund, US Treasury
- Lisa Jones, Manager, CDFI Bond Guarantee Program, CDFI Fund, US Treasury
- Robert Mulderig, Manager, Certification & Compliance, CDFI Fund, US Treasury
- Mia Sowell, Senior Policy & Program Officer, Bank Enterprise Award Program, CDFI Fund. US Treasury
- Charles Tansey, Senior Vice President, Small Business, US Export-Import Bank
- Jason Tepperman, Director, US Treasury Small Business Lending Fund
Key Partners
- Arturo Carrion, Executive Vice President, Puerto Rico Bankers Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Michael Grant, President, National Bankers Association
- Jeannine Jacokes, Chief Executive, Community Development Bankers Association
- Tony James, Senior Vice President, ICBA Securities, Memphis, TN
- Saurabh Narain, Chief Executive, National Community Investment Fund, Chicago, IL
- Joe Schmidt, Vice President, National Community Investment Fund, Chicago, IL
- Whitney White, CEO, Global Institute for Strategic Investment
- Peter J. Wirth, Executive Vice President and Co-Head of Investment Banking, KBW, New York, NY
Federal Banking Agencies
- Richard A. Brown, Chief Economist, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- D. Michael Collins, Director, Office of Minority and Women Inclusion, FDIC
- Leslie Crawford, Deputy Director, Office of Minority and Women Inclusion, FDIC
- Pamela J. Farwig, Deputy Director, Division of Resolutions and Receiverships, FDIC
- Doreen R. Eberley, Director, Division of Risk Management Supervision, FDIC
- Maryann F. Hunter, Deputy Director, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
- Jennifer C. Kelly, Senior Deputy Comptroller for Midsize and Community Bank Supervision, OCC
- Charles K. Liles, Senior Financial Analyst, Franchise and Asset Marketing, FDIC
- Arthur W. Lindo, Senior Associate Director, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
- Robert W. Mooney, National Director, Minority and Community Development Banking, FDIC
- Mark Pearce, Director, Division of Depositor and Consumer Protection, FDIC
- James Sigler, Contract Oversight Specialist, Franchise and Asset Marketing, FDIC
- Ronald C. Sommers, Manager, Franchise and Asset Marketing, FDIC
- H. Robert Tillman, Assistant Director, Supervision, Regulation and Credit, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Transportation and Getting Around
Arrival/Departure Transportation
Conference participants are responsible for their own transportation between airports or train stations and their lodging location. Taxis are available from both Reagan National (DCA) and Dulles International (IAD) airports. Participants can estimate the cost of taxi fare to and from each respective airport, by accessing the following:
Transportation to/from conference at the FDIC Seidman Conference Center
Conference planners have arranged for shuttle services between the two host hotels and the FDIC Seidman Conference Center in the morning before the conference and in the afternoon following the conference.
Other Transportation Information for Getting Around and Parking
- Metro/Subway Information (Printable Map) (
The FDIC Seidman Center is across the street from the Virginia Square/GMU station on the orange line. - Arlington General Parking Information Website (Rosslyn – Ballston Corridor)
- Ballston Public Parking Garage (Ballston Mall)
- VASQ Public Parking Garages (Locations, Hours, Fees)
- Interactive Parking Map (Rosslyn – Ballston Corridor; rates for each parking garage pop up when you click on them):
The FDIC has reserved rooms at a special conference rate for this conference. Information about the two hotels is available at the links below. The conference code for confirming hotel rooms is included in the conference registration links that have been provided to invited conference participants.
As noted above, Conference planners have arranged for shuttle services between the two host hotels and the FDIC Seidman Conference Center in the morning before the conference and in the afternoon following the conference.
The FDIC building security policy requires that all individuals entering the FDIC Seidman Lodging Facility and the Conference Center to present photo identification. Recipients are requested to plan their arrival in sufficient time, prior to the scheduled event, in order to process through security.