Rules and Regulations Loose-Leaf Service
Over the next several weeks, the FDIC will sponsor a survey of our Law, Regulations, and Related Acts loose-leaf service. Commonly referred to as the FDIC's "Rules and Regs," the three-volume compendium contains laws, regulations and other material related to the banking industry. All insured institutions receive a free subscription to the loose-leaf service, with six updates per year. The survey will help us improve the loose-leaf service. It will also allow us to gauge our subscribers' interest in receiving the updates in an electronic medium such as CD-ROM or via the Internet. We have engaged the Gallup Organization to conduct the survey. Gallup will contact about 370 institutions. Pilot tests indicate the survey will take about seven to 10 minutes. If Gallup contacts your institution, I encourage you to give the questions serious consideration. Gallup's interviewers will be looking for the institution's "primary user." Please share this letter with the person in your institution who most often uses the loose-leaf service. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us improve one of our most important regulatory resources.
Distribution: Insured Banks and Savings Associations NOTE: Paper copies of FDIC financial institutions letters may be obtained through the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room100, Washington, DC 20434 (800-276-6003 or (703) 562-2200). |