Trust Assets
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) serves as collection agent for the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's (FFIEC) Annual Report of Trust Assets (ARTA). Institutions with trust powers may opt to submit their 1999 ARTA via the Internet. Institutions wishing to file the report in hard copy may still do so. The deadline for transmitting the 1999 ARTA via the Internet is March 15; for hard copy submission, the deadline is February 15. Internet transmission is faster and more efficient than hard copy submission. Several online edits are built into the system, which should eliminate follow-up calls from the FDIC's Trust and Survey analysts. Institutions opting for online transmission will need a connection to the Internet, typically supplied by an Internet Service Provider (ISP), and a Web browser that supports 128-bit encryption. Netscape Navigator (version 3.0 or later) or Internet Explorer (version 3.02 for Windows 95/NT or version 3.0a for Windows or later) both provide this encryption support. These browsers can be downloaded from the Internet. The browser used must be configured to enable Java Script and to accept Cookies (a text file that will be used by the Trust Survey Web site to identify you when revisiting the site). If your institution would like to submit the 1999 survey via the Internet, please send an e-mail to before January 7, 2000, and provide the following information: a contact person, a telephone number and a six-digit authentication code. We suggest that you use the alpha code for your state and the last four digits of the contact person's Social Security number (e.g., NY2222). Once your institution is established in the system, you will receive additional instructions for accessing the Trust Survey Web site. The site will be available from January 18 to March 15, 2000, allowing an extra month of reporting time for institutions electing to report the ARTA survey via the Internet. All institutions required to submit the ARTA survey will receive the hard copy instructions and forms during the first week of January, even those institutions transmitting via the Internet. The Schedule D "Affiliated Investment Advisor" will continue to be completed by each registered investment advisor or affiliate as applicable and submitted in hard copy format to the FFIEC. If you have questions on Internet transmission of the ARTA, please contact Ms. Yok Jung in the FDIC's Division of Supervision at 202-898-6930.
Distribution: Selected Banks, Trust Companies and Savings Associations NOTE: Paper copies of FDIC financial institutions letters may be obtained through the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room100, Washington, DC 20434 (800-276-6003 or (703) 562-2200). |