Summary of Deposits Survey
The annual Summary of Deposits (SOD) survey form and instructions for the period ending June 30, 1998, are attached. While no changes have been made to the survey since last year, minor changes have been made to the instructions and definitions for clarification purposes. A "Table of Contents" is provided for easy reference for reporting new, closed and relocated branches. Financial institutions will again have the option to file their SOD survey electronically rather than return the hard-copy form. Electronic Data Systems (EDS) serves as the collection agent for the SOD survey. In order for your bank to file its SOD survey electronically, you must use computer software that has been certified by EDS. Certified software is available through certain vendors that have completed a certification process. Currently, SOD software products marketed by DBI Financial Systems, Inc. (800-774-3279); DPSC Software, Inc. (800-825-3772); and Sheshunoff Information Services, Inc. (800-505-8333) have been certified by EDS for electronic submission. The FDIC has provided these software companies with a significant number of edits that the FDIC uses for validating SOD survey information. The filing deadline for submitting the hard-copy survey form is July 30, 1998. Financial institutions filing electronically must submit their surveys by August 14, 1998. If your institution was involved in a merger or purchase/sale prior to June 30 and it is not reflected on your initial survey form, please fax the FDIC Structure Unit at 202-898-6952 or send an e-mail to with the effective date of the acquisition, the name of the acquired institution and other pertinent information. We will ensure that the transaction is processed immediately and will mail you a revised SOD survey. The software vendors have indicated that they will also send a revised software package to applicable institutions upon request. All data collected from the SOD survey are available to the public. Banks may receive published deposit information from the FDIC in booklet form, on computer printouts, on magnetic tape or through the FDIC Internet site ( For further information about the SOD survey, please contact Shirley Peterson (800-765-4081, extension 86571) or Joy L. Larson (202-898-6938) in the FDIC's Division of Supervision. Thank you for your cooperation in making the SOD survey as accurate and complete as possible.
Attachment: Attachment not electronically available Distribution: Insured Banks (Commercial and Savings) and Insured U.S. Branches of Foreign Banks NOTE: Paper copies of FDIC financial institution letters may be obtained through the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (800-276-6003 or (703) 562-2200). |