FDIC'S Draft Strategic Plan
Two years ago the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation adopted a 5-year Corporate Strategic Plan covering 1995 - 1999. In 1997 the strategic plan was updated to reflect a 6-year timeframe: 1997-2002. The plan is currently in a draft format and since you are one of our key stakeholders, we are soliciting your comments prior to finalization. The draft strategic plan provides a framework for implementing the agency's mission of maintaining the safety and soundness of the nation's banking system. This is accomplished through the identification of existing and emerging risks to the deposit insurance funds. The strategic plan also guides decisions about the most effective use of our Corporate resources. The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 requires the FDIC to solicit and consider the views and suggestions of interested parties potentially affected by our strategic plan. We believe the institutions we supervise are interested in our goals and objectives and the strategies we will use to accomplish them. We welcome your review and comments on our most recent draft strategic plan. The plan can be reviewed on the FDIC's website, in the "What's New" section. It can also be obtained from:
Please send your comments to either address shown above no later than September 1, 1997 so that they may be considered in the development of our final plan. Thank you for taking an interest in the development of our strategic plan.
Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Institutions |