Special Alert
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has advised that the following entities may be conducting a banking business in the United States illegally or without authorization.
Bear International Bank The Birla Investment Bank Additionally, the Government of Montserrat, West Indies, cancelled the license of the following bank, effective December 21, 1994: Centennial Bank and Trust Co. Ltd. Any proposed transactions involving any of these entities should be viewed with extreme caution. Please forward any information concerning these entities to the FDIC's Special Activities Section, 550 17th Street, N. W., Room F-612, Washington, D. C. 20429.
Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)
PR-18-95 March 6, 1995
Press ReleaseFor immediate release The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council will conduct a Risk Management Planning seminar in Seattle, Washington, May 16-17, 1995. This seminar is primarily intended for chief executive officers of banks and thrifts and will discuss the steps in the risk management process. The overall goal of the seminar is to encourage top management to institute systems that facilitate bank-wide risk management.This program is being offered in response to the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) which specifies that the Council "develop and administer training seminars in risk management for its employees and the employees of insured financial institutions." Location of the 1 1/2-day seminar: RISK MANAGEMENT PLANNING Seattle, Washington The Westin Hotel May 16-17, 1995 Phone: 206/728-1000 (Tuesday and Wednesday) FFIEC Conference rate $119 single $139 double PROGRAM TOPICS Financial Strategy - The Big Picture Managing the Risks of Derivatives Integration of Rate Risk Management and Profitability Management Strategies for Managing Credit Risk Due Dilegence Pays Big Dividends Reducing the Risk of International Fraud and Money Laundering Creating a Risk Management Organization This program will feature industry executives who have established effective risk management systems in their institutions and leading consultants in the risk management field. A top regulatory official will address the group. Topics are subject to change. The unique aspect of this seminar is emphasis on the risk management process itself in establishing a systematic approach to bank-wide risk management. Strategies include monitoring, controlling and reporting risk through appropriate levels of management to the board of directors. In order to have maximum impact on bank policies, it is suggested that attendance be limited to chief executive officers, directors, chief operating officers, chief financial officers and other bank-wide executive level officers of bank and thrift institutions. Outside directors are encouraged to attend. The attached application form should be submitted for registration. A photo copy of the application form may be used for additional applicants. Applications must be accompanied by a check payable to the FFIEC in the amount of $350, which includes two continental breakfasts and one luncheon. Early registration is recommended since space is limited and receipt of your application is no guarantee of registration. Checks will be returned if application is received after the conference has been filled. Cancellations must be received at least 30 days before the conference in order to receive a refund. For additional information, phone 703/516-5588.
Send the attached form to:
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council 3501 Fairfax Drive, Room 3086 Arlington, Virginia 22226-3550 ........................................................................................................................................................ Risk Management Planning Seminar Application Form ( ) Seattle, Washington, May 16-17, 1995
Name of Attendee:_______________________________________________________
Name of Institution:____________________ Total Assets $:________________________
City, State, Zip:________________________________________________________
Telephone:________________ FAX Number:___________________ Space is limited. Receipt of your application is not a guarantee of registration. |